© Houston Martial Arts Academy 2024
The Houston Martial Arts Academy ("HMAA") specializes in real life self-
defense training. We are dedicated to developing our members'
confidence and ability to defend any type of attack at any range. We also
make sure to have fun while we are training so that we actually enjoy
practicing the techniques, drills and concepts from the martial arts we
Giron Arnis Escrima
Giron Arnis Escrima is a WWII combat
proven blade based system that covers
long, medium, and close distance.
Everything learned in this system can be
translated through long blade, short
blade (knife), stick, improvised wepaons,
or empty hand combat.Grand Master
Emeritus Giron designed his system to
overcome a larger and stronger opponent
in life-or-death encounters.
Galleon Clan Escrima
Galleon Clan Escrima encompasses single
blade/stick, double blade/stick, single and
double dagger, sword and dagger
(espada y daga), staff (sibat), empty hands
fighting (Pangamot), and ground fighting
(dumong). This system has been passed
down for generations in Galleon Clan and
is now being passed on to students by
Guro Joseph Galleon and Jason Evans.
Tae Kwon Do Chung Do
Chung Do Kwan or “House of the Blue
Wave” is a style of Tae Kwon Do, a Korean
martial art. Chung Do Kwon is an empty-
hand system that focuses on the leg
attacks, but also has hand techniques as
well as grappling and weapons from
other systems. North American TKD-CDK