HoustonMartialArtsAcademy Your Best Self = Self Defense + Self Discovery + Self Confidence
© Houston Martial Arts Media 2025
Galleon Clan Escrima

Galleon Clan Escrima

Based on the teaching of Joseph L. Galleon from his family system of Escrima, being passed down to Jason Evans.

Core Concepts

Galleon Clan Escrima is a classical style of Escrima that was passed down to Guro Joe by his late

father, George D. Galleon, a Visayan Filipino from the island of Leyte, from the district of Massin.

George Galleon immigrated to the United States in 1902 after serving in the U. S. Navy during


The Galleon Clan system of Escrima is based off of 12 formal strikes & six auxiallery strikes and encompasses six subsets: double blade, single blade, knife, stick and dagger (Espada y daga), staff (Sibat), and empty hand fighting (Pangamot). Each subset contains its own techniques and drills, all of which are based on the concepts and principles of the double blade (Sinawali) sub-set and the 18 total strikes. The double blade (Sinawali) sub-set consists of 25 foundational techniques and 10 partner drills as well as a demonstration form. The single blade sub-set consists of 3 foundational techniques off each formal strike. Several other techniques are taught based off the foundational techniques using the vairous concepts within the system. The knife sub-set is taught off the basis of classical knife dueling. The stick/sword and dagger (Espada y Daga) sub-set is taught utilizing a knife in the off hand in place of an empty hand usually used for checking or parrying. The staff (Sibat) sub-set is taught on principles of corto, medio, and largo range fighting. The empty hand fighting (Pangamot) is taught with the principles of single blade or knife fighting since the ranges and weapons used in Escrima are interchangable for smooth transition from weapons to empty hand fighting.
© Houston Martial Arts Media 2024
Galleon Clan Escrima
HoustonMartialArtsAcademy Your Best Self = Self Defense + Self Discovery + Self Confidence

Galleon Clan Escrima

Based on the teaching of Joseph L. Galleon from his

family system of Escrima, being passed down to Jason


Core Concepts

Galleon Clan Escrima is a classical

style of Escrima that was passed

down to Guro Joe by his late father,

George D. Galleon, a Visayan Filipino

from the island of Leyte, from the

district of Massin. George Galleon

immigrated to the United States in

1902 after serving in the U. S. Navy

during WWI.

The Galleon Clan system of Escrima is based off of 12 formal strikes & six auxiallery strikes and encompasses six subsets: double blade, single blade, knife, stick and dagger (Espada y daga), staff (Sibat), and empty hand fighting (Pangamot). Each subset contains its own techniques and drills, all of which are based on the concepts and principles of the double blade (Sinawali) sub-set and the 18 total strikes. The double blade (Sinawali) sub-set consists of 25 foundational techniques and 10 partner drills as well as a demonstration form. The single blade sub-set consists of 3 foundational techniques off each formal strike. Several other techniques are taught based off the foundational techniques using the vairous concepts within the system. The knife sub-set is taught off the basis of classical knife dueling. The stick/sword and dagger (Espada y Daga) sub-set is taught utilizing a knife in the off hand in place of an empty hand usually used for checking or parrying. The staff (Sibat) sub-set is taught on principles of corto, medio, and largo range fighting. The empty hand fighting (Pangamot) is taught with the principles of single blade or knife fighting since the ranges and weapons used in Escrima are interchangable for smooth transition from weapons to empty hand fighting.